Mırra: The dark and bitter cousin of Turkish Coffee
What is Mırra? Technically speaking, it is no different from other coffees ingredients-wise but the preparation is distinctly different. The coffee beans are roasted twice …
Recipe, history, origin of drinks from around the world
What is Mırra? Technically speaking, it is no different from other coffees ingredients-wise but the preparation is distinctly different. The coffee beans are roasted twice …
What is Meyan Şerbeti? Meyan Şerbeti is a drink made out of sweet root, that is usually left to sit in water to get the …
What is Sumak Şerbeti? Quite literally what the name already suggests: a sherbet, a drink, made with sumac, which is known for its sour taste. …
What is Turkish Coffee? Turkish Coffee is a drink similar to conventional coffee but differs in preparation. The coffee beans are ground to a very …
What is Raki? Rakı is an alcoholic drink made of twice-distilled grapes and aniseed, often sweetened. It is served with equal parts water and has …